
We sincerely invite companies and manufacturers in the fields of remote sensing instruments, remote sensing software, and remote sensing applications to be our sponsor. The deadline for sponsorship registration or application deadline: September 30, 2023. If you are interested, please log in to the website: 



Contact us

Academic Coordinator:

Zhi Gao (gaozhinus@whu.edu.cn)

See the branch contact person for a series of activities

General Coordinator:

Hui Zhou (15972207713:junezhouzhou@whu.edu.cn)

Abstract Submission:

Shihui Lei (18521565802;leishihui@whu.edu.cn)

Check in:

Ling Hu (13554372606;huling2009@whu.edu.cn)

Venue Coordinator:

Bo Fu (13971578143;fubo@whu.edu.cn

Food and Hotel Booking:

Yawen Liu (18186147525;yawenliu@whu.edu.cn)

Sponsor Contact:

Wenqiang Zhao (13387601961;zhaowenqiang@whu.edu.cn)

Alumni affairs:

Yun Xie (15827273369;xieyun@whu.edu.cn)

Accountant and Financial:

Fan Fang (18062120806;fangfan_003@163.com)

Website Support: 

Qi Zhang (18971596784;sherry@chytey.com)



We sincerely invite experts, scholars, alumni, corporate entities, and individuals from all walks of life who support the development of remote sensing to attend this conference!

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