
The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing and the 2023 Wuhan Remote Sensing Week

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The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing and the 2023 Wuhan Remote Sensing Week

13th-15th October 2023


The 2nd International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing (ICARS) and the 2023 Wuhan Remote Sensing Week will be held from 13th-15th October 2023 in Wuhan, China.


Over the past 20 years, under the leadership of senior scientists, Remote Sensing Science and Technology has been officially listed in the catalog of first-level disciplines in 2022, becoming one of the six first-level disciplines in the national strategic layout of interdisciplinary disciplines, indicating the significant development of discipline construction.


To further establish an international academic exchange platform for remote sensing, promote the dissemination of scientific knowledge, and gather the alumni power, this conference will be held under the theme of “Perceiving the Earth, Prospecting the Future”. We are pleased to invite industry experts and scientists, enterprise colleagues, university teachers and students from around the world to gather in Wuhan to discuss new equipments, theories, and methods in remote sensing research, and to share the latest achievements and accomplishments of remote sensing industrial applications.



On October 13th, 2023, participants are expected to check in. The ICARS 2023 Conference and Wuhan University Remote Sensing Alumni Day will take place over the following two days, October 14th and 15th.


The conference will be held at two distinguished locations:

·East Lake International Conference Center, located at 146 Donghu Road(Donghu Lu), Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.

·Wuhan University, located at 129 Luoyu Road, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.


Please note that accommodation fees will be borne by participants. 

Deadline for abstract submission:23:59:59 CST, 25th September 2023.


i. Contents:

1.Conference Agenda:

13th of October: Registration (Participants check-in at the hotel lobby's first floor)

14th of October: Opening Ceremony (Keynote Speech, Product Launch Event)

15th of October: Conference sessions, Alumni Day, & Specialized Job Fair


2.Main Conference: International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing 2023.

Title: The International Conference on Advanced Remote Sensing 2023

Dates: 13th-15th October 2023

Venue: East Lake International Conference Center

Supervised By: 

               International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS)

Presented By:

               The Department of Science and Technology of Hubei Province

               Wuhan University

Organized By: 

               The School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering at Wuhan University

               The State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Survey, Mapping and Remote Sensing at Wuhan University

               Leica Geosystems - Part of Hexagon


               Jianya Gong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Honorary Chairman:

               Guanhua Xu, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

               Deren Li, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

               Zuxun Zhang, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

Executive Chairman:

               Yongjun Zhang, Dean of School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University

               Siwei Li, Professor at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University

               Zhi Gao, Deputy Dean, Professor at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University

Academic Committee Member

Prof. Christian Heipke  

Leibniz University Hannover, ISPRS Former President, Germany. 

Prof. Orhan Altan

stanbul Technical University, Former ISPRS President, Turkey.

Dr. Prasad S. Thenkabail 

Chief Scientist at United States Geological Survey (USGS), Western Geographic Science Center (WGSC), U.S.A.

Prof. Ayman Habib

Purdue University, U.S.A.

Prof. Detlef Mueller

Wuhan University, China.

Prof. Giles M. Foody  

University of Nottingham, The U.K.

Dr. Xiaofeng Li

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), U.S.A.

Prof. Xingfa Gu

Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

Dr. Weimin Huang

Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada.

Prof. Meibao Guan

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China.

Prof. Wenzhong Shi

The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, China.

Prof. Guoqing Zhou

Guilin University of Technology, China.

Prof. Jie Jiang

Beijing University of Civil Engineering and Architecture,China.

Prof. Liangpei Zhang

Wuhan University, China.

Prof. Peng Yue

Wuhan University, China.

Prof. Xinlian Liang Wuhan University, China.



Experts for keynote presentations at the Congress 


Prof. Christian Heipke, Leibniz Universität Hannover, ISPRS Past President, Germany

Satellite Image Times Series Processing for Forest Monitoring


● Prof. Orhan Altan, Istanbul Technical University, ISPRS Past President, Turkey

Topic to be determined 


● Prof. Sisi Zlatanov, UNSW Built Environment University of New South Wales, President ISPRS TCIV, Spatial Information Science

Topic to be determined 


● Prof.Ayman Habib, Professor, Purdue University, U.S.A

Near Proximal and Proximal Sensing for High Throughput Phenotyping


● Deren LI, Academician of Chinese Academy of Science, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wuhan University

From Luojia Satellites to Orient Smart Eye Constellation - Software-defined Intelligent Remote Sensing Satellites


● Huadong GUO, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Harnessing Digital Technology to Accelerate Progress on SDGs


● Jun CHEN, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, National Geomatics Center of China

3DRGLM--- China’s National Mapping 3D Program


● Qin Yan, Chinese Academy of Surveying & Mapping

Remote Sensing Monitoring for the Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources in the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta



The main topics and sessions of the conference cover:

1. Sensors and Data Acquisition.

2. Remote Sensing Data Processing and Information Extraction.

3· Theory and methods of Remote sensing.

4. Applications of Remote Sensing.


Detailed Agenda




14th October

Location: East Lake International Conference Center Jingchu Hall


Opening ceremony:

1.Address by the Leadership of the Hubei Provincial Department of Science and Technology

2.Address by the University Leadership of Wuhan University

3.Address by ISPRS Experts


Group photo of participating experts


Keynote speech

1.Deren Li. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering

From Luojia Satellites to Orient Smart Eye Constellation - Software-defined Intelligent Remote Sensing Satellites

2.Prof. Christian Heipke

Satellite Image Times Series Processing for Forest Monitoring


Tea Break


3.Prof. Orhan Altan

FACTS we Know and Taking any Action? --About Climate Change and Geospatial Scinces

4.Huadong Guo. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

Harnessing Digital Technology to Accelerate Progress on SDGs


Buffet Lunch (East Lake International Conference Center)


Keynote speech

5.Prof. Sisi Zlatanov

Title of speech to be determined

6.Jun Chen. Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences

3DRGLM--- China’s National Mapping 3D Program

7.Prof. Ayman Habib

Near Proximal and Proximal Sensing for High Throughput Phenotyping

8.Senior Scientist, Qin Yan

Remote Sensing Monitoring for the Conservation and Utilization of Natural Resources in the Integrated Development of the Yangtze River Delta


Leica Product Launch Event


Conference Booth Tour


Dinner (East Lake International Conference Center at the Yangtze Hall)



14th October

Location: Sub-Venues at East Lake International Conference Center

Sub-Venues Track 1:

Sensors and Data Acquisition

Session I: LiDAR and Active Remote Sensing Detection

Session Host: Qingzhou Mao


1.Prof. Xuan Wang,School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University

History of Atmospheric LIDAR Development and Future Trends

2.Prof. Guoqing Zhou, Guilin University of Technology

Topic to be determined

3.Associate Prof. Tianwen Wei, Nanjing University of Information Engineering

Application of Doppler Lidar in Precipitation Remote Sensing

4.Associate Professor Shuo Shi, State Key Laboratory of Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University

Airborne Hyperspectral Lidar Imaging Technology and Its Applications

5.Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd

Topic to be determined

Session II: High-Resolution Hyperspectral Space Camera

Session Host: Shaoju Wang


1.Senior Scientist Jianfeng Yang, Xi'an Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics of CAS

Topic to be determined

2.Senior Scientist Yongchao Zheng, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation (CASC) 5th Academy, 508 Research Institute

Topic to be determined

3.Associate Scientist Zongxuan Li, Changchun Institute of Optics, Fine Mechanics and Physics of CAS

Topic to be determined

4.Associate Prof. Xuemin Zhang, School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University

Topic to be determined

Session III: Radar Remote Sensing and Data Processing

Session Host: Jie Dong

1.Senior Scientist Yinan Li, China Academy of Space Technology (CASC) 5th Academy, 504 Research Institute

Integrated Aperture Microwave Radiation Passive Detection Technology and Its Application.

2.Yu Liang, Senior Engineer, Hubei Province Ocean Radar Technology Innovation Team/Wuhan AeroTech Co., Ltd.

New-Generation MIMO High-Frequency Beyond-Line-of-Sight Radar System.

3.Prof. Bin Pan, School of Remote Sensing Information Engineering, Wuhan University

Topic to be determined

Sub-Venues Track 2:

Remote Sensing Data Processing and Information Extraction

Session I: Remote Sensing Image Quality Enhancement

Session Host: Jun Li, Sen Jia                  


1.Prof. Yaozhong Pan, Beijing Normal University

Exploring Key Issues in Large-Scale High Precision Automatic Crop Mapping

2.Prof. Yanchen Bai, Beijing Normal University

Spatio-temporal statistical methods for fusion of multi-source remote sensing data

3.Senior Scientist Fang Chen, Institute of Space and Astronautical Information Innovation Chinese Academy of Sciences

Disaster Remote Sensing Methods and Applications

4.Prof. Weihua Dong, Beijing Normal University

Research on Intelligent Detection Methods of Remote Sensing Targets Based on Human Visual Attention Mechanisms

5.Senior Scientist Hua Wu, University of Electronic Science and Technology/Institute of Geographic Sciences and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Joint kernel-driven and fusion technique for spatial resolution enhancement of surface temperature

6.Prof. Hanwen Yu, University of Electronic Science and Technology

GRACE Image Denoising Processing

Session II: Intelligent Interpretation of Remote Sensing Images

Session Host: Peijun Du, Xian Sun                      


1.Prof. Peijun Du,Nanjing University

Ensemble-based transfer learning for remote sensing image intelligent processing

2.Senior Scientist Xian Sun, Institute of Space and Astronautical Information Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Foundation Model for Multimodal Sensing Interpretation: Methods  and Remote Practices

3.Prof. Haifeng Li, Central South University 

Memory Model for Understanding High-Resolution Remote Sensing Imagery in an Open Environment

4.Prof. Chao Tao, Central South University

Visual Foundation Modeling for Remote Sensing

Session III: Vector Mapping of Remote Sensing Imagery

Session Host: Guisong Xia                 


1.Prof. Guisong Xia, Wuhan University

Topic to be determined 

2.Prof. Xinggang Wang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

MapTRv2: An End-to-End Framework for Online Vectorized HD MapConstructione

Session IV: 3D Modeling of Remote Sensing Imagery

Session Host: Qing Zhu, Ruisheng Wang                    


1.Prof. Qing Zhu, Southwest Jiaotong University 

Key Technology for Realistic 3D Modeling of Satellite Images

2.Prof. Ruisheng Wang, Shenzhen University 

A standard dataset and reconstruction framework for 3D reconstruction of houses based on aerial laser point clouds

3.Associate Professor Wei Yao, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Highly Trust worthy Fusion of Air-Ground Multi-Source Data for Realistic 3D Modeling

4.Prof. Han Hu, Southwest Jiaotong University

Generative LOD Building Modelling in Urban Environment

5.Associate Professor Yiping Chen, Sun Yat-sen University 

3D point cloud large-scale building semantics and instance segmentation

6.Postdoctoral Fellow, Zhi Zheng, Chinese University of Hong Kong

3D Terrain Generation Based on Hybrid Feature Fusion Networks

Session V: Frontiers in Urban Remote Sensing

Session Host: Wenzhong Shi

1.Academician Wenzhong Shi, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Topic to be determined 

2.Prof. Zhenzhong Chen, Wuhan University

Visual Intelligence for Smart Transportation

3.Prof. Peifeng Ma, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Exploring the Practice of InSAR Monitoring and AI Interpretation for Deformation of Urban Buildings and Infrastructures

Sub-Venues Track 3:

Theory and methods of Remote sensing

Session I: Remote Sensing Common Parameter Inversion And Products

Session Host: Tao He


1.Assistant Professor Xiaopeng Song, The University of Maryland

Towards high resolution global crop mapping

2.Senior Scientist Linlu Mei,Universität Bremen

Remote sensing of atmospheric and surface parameters: theory, inversion, data and applications

3.Prof. Wenfeng Zhan,Nanjing University

Satellite thermal infrared remote sensing of urban climate and urban warming

4.Associate Scientist Jiangyuan Zeng,Aerospace Information research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

A physically-based and all-weather soil moisture index for soil moisture variation monitoring

5.Aojie Shen,Chongqing Technology and Business University;Jie Shao,The Hong Kong Polytechnic University

Spectral harmonization Landsat-8 and Sentinel-2A: The Matching bands Adjustment before Missing bands Prediction method

Session Ⅱ: Atmospheric parameter inversion

Session Host: Feiyue Mao


1.Senior Scientist Zhengqiang Li,Aerospace Information research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Topic to be determined 

2.Associate Professor Xinyi Dong,Nanjing University

Long-term change trend of volatile organic compounds from natural sources based on remote sensing and model combination

3.Associate Professor Wei Wang,Central South University

Optical thickness inversion of hour-class aerosols of stationary satellites FY-4B/AGRI based on dynamic spectral reflectance method

4.Li Fang,China Siwei Surveying and Mapping Technology Co., Ltd

Aerosol optimization inversion and application based on Gaofen-5 DPC data

Session Ⅲ: Inversion of land surface vegetation parameters                    

Session Host: Feng Tian


1.Prof. Yelu Zeng, China Agricultural University

Structural complexity biases vegetation greenness measures

2.Prof. Lei Fan, Southwest University

Carbon sink pattern of northern forests based on passive microwave remote sensing

3.Prof. Meng Ran, Huazhong Agricultural University

UAV Agricultural Remote Sensing Monitoring and Diagnosis

4.Associate Professor Mosong Wu, Nanjing University

Multi-source remote sensing data-supported carbon cycle and data assimilation of terrestrial ecosystems

5.Xu Zhang, Lijun Lu, Chinese Academy of Surveying and Mapping

LiDAR-assisted forest canopy height estimation method based on BP neural network

Session Ⅳ:Inversion of water parameters

Session Host Liqiao Tian


1.Senior Scientist Xiaomin Ye, National Satellite Marine Application Center

China Ocean Color Satellite Parameter Inversion and Standard Products

2.Senior ScientistQianguo Xing, Yantai Coastal Zone Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Remote sensing of marine floating macroalgae biomass

3.Senior Scientist Peng Chen, Second Institute of Oceanography, Ministry of Natural Resources

Research on laser remote sensing inversion of ocean underwater particle profile structure

4.Associate Professor Yan Song, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Topic to be determined 

5.Associate Scientist Qi Feng, Institute of Precision Measurement Science and Technology Innovation, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Remote sensing inversion and application of water quality in lakes and reservoirs based on optical classification

Sub-Venues Track4:  Applications of Remote Sensing

Session Ⅰ: Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystems                

Session Host:Zaichun Zhu


1.Prof. Zhu Zaichun, Peking University

Uncertainty in remote sensing monitoring of global vegetation growth changes and its impact on climate change research

2.Prof. Peng Zhu, University of Hong Kong

Application of remote sensing observations in climate risk assessment and climate adaptation of agricultural systems

3.Prof. Yao Zhang, Peking University

Remote sensing monitoring of vegetation physiological processes in response to drought

4.HuTian,Luxembourg Institute of Science and TechnologyEuropean Ecostress Hub

Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Ecosystem Processes

5.Associate Scientist Pei Leng, Institute of Agricultural Resources and Agricultural Zoning, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences

Soil moisture thermal infrared remote sensing inversion: progress and challenges

6.Associate Professor Jian Yang, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan)

Impact of CO2 contributed by urbanization on photosynthesis of terrestrial vegetation

7.Haihan Lin, Fuzhou University

Analysis of characteristics and multi-scale driving factors of farmland non-agriculturalization in Fujian Province

Session Ⅱ: Greenhouse Gas Remote Sensing Monitoring and Application

Session Host: Shushi Peng


1.Prof. Shushi Peng, Peking University

Climate change and methane budget

2.Prof. Fei Jiang, Nanjing University

Atmospheric inversion estimation of global and regional terrestrial ecosystem carbon sinks

3.Senior Scientist Youwen Sun, Anhui Institute of Optics and Precision Machinery, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Ground-based optical remote sensing for coordinated pollution reduction and carbon reduction

4.Prof. Kai Qin, China University of Mining and Technology

Research Progress on Satellite Ground Coordinated Observation of Coal Mine Methane and Energy Consumption Carbon and Nitrogen Emissions

5.Senior Scientist Yuzhong Zhang, West Lake University

Satellite retrieval of global and Chinese methane emissions

6.Associate Scientist Dongxu Yang, Institute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

China Carbon Satellite Data Application and Space-Earth Integrated Carbon Monitoring

7.Associate Scientist Shupeng Wang, National Meteorological Satellite Center

CO2 inversion and typical applications based on TANSAT data

8.Associate Professor Ge Han, Wuhan University

High-resolution XCO2 and XCH4 anomaly inversion and application

Session Ⅲ: Atmospheric environment satellite ACDL payload application

Session Host: Jiqiao Liu 


1.Senior Scientist Jiqiao Liu, Shanghai Institute of Optics and Precision Mechanics, Chinese Academy of Sciences

Progress and challenges of spaceborne atmospheric aerosol and carbon dioxide detection lidar ACDL

2.Prof. Dong Liu, Zhejiang University

Forward and inversion, authenticity testing and active and passive fusion applications of spaceborne environmental lidar

3.Prof. Lingbing Bu, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology

Atmospheric Environment Spaceborne Lidar Airborne Calibration Experiment and Data Analysis

4.Prof. Feiyue Mao, Wuhan University

Weak signal inversion and verification of spaceborne cloud-aerosol lidar

5.Associate Scientist Lu Zhang, National Meteorological Satellite Center

On-orbit CO2 calibration and ground verification of Atmos-1

6.Associate Professor Guangyao Dai, Ocean University of China

Spaceborne hyperspectral lidar ACDL/DQ-1 aerosol inversion detection and satellite-ground comparison

Associate Professor Ge Han, Wuhan University

Atmospheric environment star XCO2 data inversion, verification and analysis


Series of Activities:

Activity 1: National Geographic State Monitoring & Digital Village Technologies Symposium 2023

Time:15th October 2023 (Sunday)

Place: The East Lake International Convention Center


·Jianya Gong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University.

Vice chairman:

·Penglin Zhang, Professor at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University.

·Mengqiu Wang, Professor at School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University.

Contact: Mr. Lu, Mobile: 13006367725, Email:


Activity 2: 2023 Wuhan Remote Sensing Week/Wuhan University Remote Sensing Alumni Day.

Time:15th October 2023.

Place: Beidou Hall, Library of Information Department, Wuhan University.


15th October 2023


Opening ceremony of the Remote Sensing Alumni Day in 2023

Academic symposium


Wuhan University Remote Sensing Discipline Development Advisory Committee Meeting

Each class of alumni teachers and students discussion, fellowship

Tour around the campus


Contact: Mrs. XIE, Mobile: 15827273369, Email:

Registration QR Code:


Activity 3: The 8th Spatial Intelligence Workshop(2023)

Time:13th October 2023.

Place: The Department of Information Science, Wuhan University


·Deren Li, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, Wuhan University.

·Jianya Gong, Academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Wuhan University.

Vice chairman:

·Huayi Wu, Wuhan University.

·Zhenfeng Shao, Wuhan University.

Special guest:

·Prof. Yu Liu, Peking University, China.

·Prof. Shihong Du, Peking University, China.

·Prof. Guonian Lv, Nanjing Normal University, China.

·Prof. Xueying Zhang, Nanjing Normal University, China.

·Senior Scientist Tao Pei, The University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, China.

·Senior Scientist Fenzhen Su, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources of CAS.

·Prof. Qing Zhu, SouthWest JiaoTong University, China.

·Prof. Nengcheng Chen, China University of Geosciences (Wuhan), China.

·Prof. Zhifeng Wu, Guangzhou University, China.

·Prof. Zhenhong Du, Zhejiang University, China.

·Prof. Yang Yue, Shenzhen University, China.

Contact: Mr. Xiang, Mobile: 18626127510, Email:


Activity 4: Surveying and Mapping and Remote Sensing Special Job Fair

Time:Afternoon of 15th October 2023.

Place: Zhuyuan Gymnasium, Wuhan University.



Activity 5: Advanced Seminar on Intelligent Application of Remote Sensing Geographic Information


·School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University.


·Key Laboratory of Geographical National Conditions Monitoring, Ministry of Natural Resources.

·Hubei Province Spatial Information Intelligent processing Engineering Technology Research Center.

·The Satellite Data Processing and Applied Technology Research Center.

·Natural Resources Data Collaborative Application Engineering Technology Innovation Center.

·Applied Technology Research Center of Smart City Engineering, Wuhan University.

·The 3D Big Data Artificial Intelligence Innovation Research Center of Wuhan University.

·Hubei Guoda Hengyuan Technology Co., LTD

Train: Managial personnel, business backbone and scientific research and technical personnel of smart city construction departments, natural resources departments, water conservancy information departments, ecological environment departments, emergency management departments, enterprises, institutions of higher learning and scientific research institutions.

Time: 14th-16th October 2023.

Place: School of Remote Sensing and Information Engineering, Wuhan University.

(Detailed training arrangements and payment channels Announcement)


Mr. Zhang(Mobile:18086081860

Mr. Xu(Mobile:13971404255

Mr. Fang(Mobile:18062120806


ii. Registration and Submission:

1. Please register via: 

2. Please submit your manuscript through the following four topics:

·Sensors and Data Acquisition.

·Remote Sensing Data Processing and Information Extraction.

·Remote Sensing Theory and Methodology.

·Remote Sensing Application.

Oral Presentation: Extended Abstract, 1200 words/Poster; Short Abstract, 300-500 Words. Excellent manuscripts will be recommended to the collaborative journals.

Deadline: 23:59:59 CST, 25th September 2023.

The size of the poster is 90x120cm, please make it by yourself and bring it to the venue.

3. Collaborative Journals:

(1)The Photogrammetric Record;

(2)Geo-spatial Information Science


iii. Fees:

In order to ensure the smooth running of the conference, participants are responsible for their own transportation, accommodation and other expenses and will be charged a registration fee according to the following criteria, which will be used mainly for the conference venue and other conference services.




Professors and Faculties




Participate in the "2023 Geographical National Situation Monitoring and Digital Rural Technology Seminar" separately



iv. Sponsors

We sincerely invite companies and manufacturers in the fields of remote sensing instruments, remote sensing software, and remote sensing applications to be our sponsor. The deadline for sponsorship registration or application deadline: September 30, 2023. If you are interested, please log in to the website:


v. Hotel Booking Info:

*Room at negotiated rates are limited, so please complete your booking as soon as possible.


Hotel Details

Contact Information


Donghu Hotel, No.142, Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan

Agreement price: 450 CNY/room or 500 CNY/room (250 total rooms)

Book link

[Enterprise code] Enter: WDYG-Select the required room type, fill in the information, confirm the reservation, and pay the room fee

Contact: 027-68881888


Wuhan Binhu Building, No.157, Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan

Agreement price: 398 CNY/room or 498 CNY/room

Contacts:Chenghong Xie, 19972117780

Ying Xiao, 15971443226

Reception Desk: 027-68881888


Yter Hotel, 166 Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan (Province Museum Subway Station, Donghu, Wuhan)   

Agreement price: 300 CNY/room (excluding early), including early + 10 CNY/person

Contact:Jin Huang, 18607101761

Reception Desk: 027-86711888


ZMAX Manxi Hotel, No.19, Yanhu Avenue, Wuchang District, Wuhan City (Donghu Store, Wuhan)

Agreement price: 358 CNY/room or 388 CNY/room

Contact: Mr.Li, 18871172699

Reception Desk: 027-88860166


Wuhan Junyi Dynasty Grand Hotel, No.87, Luoyu Road, Hongshan District, Wuhan

Agreement price: 350 CNY/room or 450 CNY/room (excluding early)

Contact: Qing Lu, 18971696553

Reception Desk: 027-87687777


The Newsel Hotel, No.158, Donghu Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan city (in provincial university for the elderly)

Agreement price: 350 CNY/room

Contact: Fang Han, 13419525177

Reception Desk: 027-88878198


vi. Contacts:

Academic Coordinator

Zhi Gao (

See the branch contact person for a series of activities

General Coordinator

Hui Zhou (

Abstract Submission

Shihui Lei (18521565802;

Check in

Ling Hu (13554372606;

Venue Coordinator

Bo Fu (13971578143;

Food and Hotel Booking

Yawen Liu (18186147525;

Sponsor Contact

Wenqiang Zhao (13387601961;

Alumni affairs

Yun Xie (15827273369;

Accountant and Financial

Fan Fang (18062120806;

Website Support

Qi Zhang (18971596784;


We sincerely invite experts, scholars, alumni, corporate entities, and individuals from all walks of life who support the development of remote sensing to attend this conference!

Contact us

Academic Coordinator:

Zhi Gao (

See the branch contact person for a series of activities

General Coordinator:

Hui Zhou (

Abstract Submission:

Shihui Lei (18521565802;

Check in:

Ling Hu (13554372606;

Venue Coordinator:

Bo Fu (13971578143;

Food and Hotel Booking:

Yawen Liu (18186147525;

Sponsor Contact:

Wenqiang Zhao (13387601961;

Alumni affairs:

Yun Xie (15827273369;

Accountant and Financial:

Fan Fang (18062120806;

Website Support: 

Qi Zhang (18971596784;



We sincerely invite experts, scholars, alumni, corporate entities, and individuals from all walks of life who support the development of remote sensing to attend this conference!

Log in Registration Submit Paper Hotel